Friday, February 8, 2013

Saint's Day

A "Saint's Day" is a special day in the life of the Church when a particular saint is commemorated. The more popular saints such as Saint Patrick - Saint Joseph - Saint Mary - Saint Francis - Saint Anthony - are all well known.  Besides these popular saints - there are numerous saints who are less popular - but still - significant. The number of saints is so large that one needs a calendar just to keep track of which saint is commemorated on any given day.  American comes to the rescue with their Saints Calendar. With one easy click you may see which saint is being commemorated on any given day. Their site also allows you to do other searches when seeking information on different saints.
When we accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savour - we not only became one of his modern day disciples - we also became saints-in-training. Many very good Christians - both living and deceased - live exemplary lives - holy people - that we may model our own lives after. Saints do not necessarily live perfect lives - through their personal struggles and accomplishments - we are shown how we too may live good and holy lives. We are all saints-in-training - most will never achieve the status of being canonized - but eventually - if we lives our lives in accordance with God's will - we will become saints.

Deacon Dale