The Botafumeiro is suspended from a pulley mechanism in the dome on the roof of the church. The current pulley mechanism was installed in 1604. The present Botafumeiro is made of an alloy of brass and bronze and is plated by a very thin 20 micrometer layer of silver. The current one was made in 1851. The Santiago de Compostela Botafumeiro is one of the largest censers in the world - weighing 176 pounds and measuring 5 feet in height. It is normally on display in the library of the cathedral - for certain important religious occasions, it is brought to the floor of the cathedral and attached to a rope hung from the pulley mechanism. It is swung normally once a week during the pilgrim Mass. For special groups it can be used for a 450€ fee. On a future post I will show this being used at the end of Mass.
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
El Camino - The Way #43
The Botafumeiro is suspended from a pulley mechanism in the dome on the roof of the church. The current pulley mechanism was installed in 1604. The present Botafumeiro is made of an alloy of brass and bronze and is plated by a very thin 20 micrometer layer of silver. The current one was made in 1851. The Santiago de Compostela Botafumeiro is one of the largest censers in the world - weighing 176 pounds and measuring 5 feet in height. It is normally on display in the library of the cathedral - for certain important religious occasions, it is brought to the floor of the cathedral and attached to a rope hung from the pulley mechanism. It is swung normally once a week during the pilgrim Mass. For special groups it can be used for a 450€ fee. On a future post I will show this being used at the end of Mass.
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
El Camino - The Way #42
The one thing we feared the most on the Camino was rain - rain produces mud - rain makes smooth rocks slippery - rain makes clothing damp and sticky - rain is not a trekker's friend. This morning - on our final day of walking the last 20 kilometers - we got rain. On the one hand - that did not make us happy - on the other - we were finally able to justify hauling rain gear with us for the entire Camino. At one point I was able to make Arlene realize how much lighter her back pack felt since we were wearing our rain jackets and pants rater than hauling them on our backs. Although we had to cope with rain this day - we made very good time and were standing at the cathedral in Santiago by 3:30 PM in the afternoon. Neither of us - 8 years later - believes that we have actually done this - this was the most adventurous thing that we have ever attempted - just living in a foreign country as long as we did - has been an amazing experience. The adventure does not end there as we still had to visit Finestre - aka the end of the world - before we returned home. When we got to the Cathedral - we were going to get our Compostelas but noticed a security sign stating we should not bring our backpacks- so we decided to check into our hotel room first. After showering and cleaning up we returned to the cathedral to get our Compostelas - a procedure that took over an hour as the line was fairly long. On the Camino - we learned patience - Spain does not move quickly - the Spanish people do not move quickly - there is more to life than moving quickly - everything is to be savored and enjoyed. In Lent we learn patience - hopefully a lesson well learned. In Holy Week we pray that God rain His love upon us daily as we walk towards Easter. Lord - what do you ask of me this day?
Monday, March 29, 2021
El Camino - The Way #41
Hey what gives there are only 40 days of Lent why are we up to Day #41? When we talk about the 40 days of Lent - we do not include Sundays which are not included in that period or any special days. Lent is a penitential period within which - in fact - has 46 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday. Also partly due to confusion between the period of the Lenten fast and the liturgical 'season' or period of Lent - Since Sunday is excluded in the week - only 6 of those week days are counted as Lenten days. so to that end - there will be a total of 48 posts to this Lenten series. Confused - good - walking in a fog sometimes actually helps you see clearer once that fog is lifted. If you are feeling like you are walking in a fog on your Lenten journey - join the club - you are not alone - it is a part of your experience that is special for you. Leave it up to Jesus to sort this out for you.