Our pilgrims from Australia getting their bike ready to leave
Walking in the fog near the road - when our minds are in a fog - time to stop - rest
At this point seeing pilgrims ahead of us had become normal
unlike all the previous days when we were alone
And like that - more
Living on the edge - sitting on the ledge - yes big drop behind us
As we walked up the mountain - we ended up inside the fog
The Camino waymarks getting more frequent - many pilgrims place stones on top as prayers similar to lighting a candle - we left 500 Saint Gianna prayer cards as we walked
A down hill path hiding us from the hot sun
And then we were back in the sun
Shade - but hard to see the rocks and tree stumps in the path
Passing an 800 year old mill house
Made it to Triacastela time to look for an albergue
Found it - time for a shower - dry clothes and you know what follows
Vino y Tapas
This was another shorter day - we are not in a rush - we allowed 7 weeks total and at this point we were ahead of the schedule because we jumped a few times mainly because of that blister on my foot that refused to heal. Continuing our Lenten journey we still have about a week before Holy Week - so two weeks before Easter - still lots of time to make this Lent significant.
Deacon Dale