Sunday, March 14, 2021

El Camino - The Way #26

Birthday time over - back on the trail today - blister or not we keep on towards our goal - this pilgrim statue reminding us why we are in Spain - our first priority - our pilgrimage.  Just as the current issue with COVID has derailed many of our plans - has also been a disruption with our Lenten journey - worrying about being tested - trying to register for the vaccine - considering the side affects - safety - to vaccinate - or not - for many - that is the question - drawing our attention away from prayers - quiet time - God

Statue outside Casa de los Botines 

As we left Leon we passed by the five star Parador®  - originally a monastery founded in the twelfth century to provide lodging for the pilgrims travelling to Santiago de Compostela in Galicia.  It later became the headquarters of the Order of Saint James whose soldiers provided protection for the pilgrims.  The original building was demolished in the sixteenth century and the construction of the present building, on the original site, commenced in 1515.  This is one of the most beautiful Renaissance building in Spain. The carvings depicting religious and historical events on the 100 meter long facade are worthy of note.  As a hotel - featured in the movie The Way. 

The Parador

Statue of Pilgrim in front of the Parador leaning against 
the base of a cross - with sandals off

Close by the Parador we crossed another babbling stream - peaceful 

Rio Bernesga

As if there aren't enough natural mountains - hills and valleys in northern Spain we came
 upon a man made hill to take walkers over some streets and other obstacles

man made hill

Finally - the hills behind us - we came to a flat stretch - coincidence? praying a rosary at the time.  In Lent so many opportunities to say a rosary or chaplet on a moments notice - dotting the day with prayer 

Time for a rest 

The entire pilgrimage we have been walking near - alongside - over the roads along the Camino trail - now a short stretch under - in Lent do you always take the high road - open to diversions?

Tunnel under highway 

Then there were rocks - rubble 

Dry rocks 

Walking along the highway 

Most of the Camino tracks through the bare countryside - often through farm fields - with permission of the farmers - just stay on the trail - do not damage crops 

Alternate transportation - yes ahead

Village time 

Break time  food & drink 

Back on the trail - more and more - again 

At this point we were tired of the sun - heat - feet getting tired-  Albergue some where ahead - ready for a shower - vino y tapas - sleep.  

Deacon Dale