Sunday, April 8, 2012

This Is The Day!

This is the day the Lord has made - let us rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24) And what a day it was - Morning Mass with over flowing crowds - lots of smiling faces - happy faces and happy families - the joy of Resurrection and a celebration of new life in Christ. Our casual Christians who made an extra effort to attend Church on this special day - gathered with the parish family in this joyful time. In some places our casual Christian friends are treated like a burden - but in my life I see them as family who have been unable to gather on other occasions - but on this day - finally, the whole family is together. Although we have to move around the furniture and make an effort to create enough space so that everybody may be comfortable - it is a task of joy and love. 

The act of remembering or re-membering i.e. putting all the members back together into one complete family is an exciting and happy chore. As we gathered in one very large group - we sang the praises of God and for that hour were united in the love of Christ that goes beyond understanding.  As we gathered later with family in our homes we celebrated the Easter rituals so common in all families. The theme of this day was joy and for all of us - we need to keep this joy alive in our hearts and minds as we celebrate the entire season of Easter. Alleluia! Alleluia!

Deacon Dale