Sunday, April 5, 2020

And So It Begins

Today - Palm Sunday - Passion Sunday - marks the beginning of the holiest week of the liturgical year.  Holy Week - all the significant celebrations that brings Lent to a close - leads us to the three holiest days of the year - the Triduum - finally Easter - the Season of Easter that follows.  This week when the bishop blesses the oils used thought out the year - renews his commitment along with his priests - to serve the Church with their entire being - promising to pastor the flocks they lead - when deacons and religious and the laity promise their obedience - heart felt service to the community of believers - the celebration of the institutions of Holy Mass - Holy Eucharist - the Priesthood - the washing of feet - New Life in Christ.  This is the week  that will be - when the Elect professes their belief in the Holy Roman Catholic Church - receive Baptism - Confirmation - Holy Communion.  This is the week when all this should happen - this year - 2020 - the year of the pandemic - putting almost all of this on hold - liturgical celebrations limited to a few who will live stream - to be viewed by the masses - denied the blessing of attending in person.

For probably all of us - the first time - Holy Week - without us in attendance.  To most - an extreme sacrifice - nothing to compare with the sacrifice Jesus made on the Cross - for all of us.  He came for all - many received Him - but not all.  He came to offer us life - life filled with His Grace - not all accepted His Gift. He carried our sins onto the Cross - He endured a fate that none should experience.  This Easter as we feel denied of the graces of Holy Week  - may we be united with Him - Our Lord and Savior - in this once in a lifetime - Easter Sacrifice.  He has endured - we will also endure.  In God - in Jesus - we trust.  It is all in His hands.  Jesus We Trust In You.

Deacon Dale