Wednesday, April 1, 2020

A New Normal

Really - this is the new normal?  I certainly hope not - there  is no way that what we are currently experiencing can be called normal.  Isolation - empty grocery shelves - paranoid people all over the place - those who are preparing - those ignoring - no way is this normal.  This is chaos - disruption to what life is suppose to be.  What we are experiencing is a battle - life against death - rational against irrational - brilliance against ignorance.  

This is not the life that God has planned for us - He is not the one who caused this problem.  People - who made mistakes - bad decisions - misinformation - the ones - creating - stirring the pot of confusion - fear.  Worry is not of the Lord.  In John 14:1 Jesus told us "Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me."  In these days of fear - confusion - focus your eyes on Him who saves you - He will not leave you an orphan - He will not leave you alone.  In strength - as people of Hope remind yourself and those around you - Jesus I Trust In You - Amen 

Deacon Dale