Wednesday, April 8, 2020

It Is Finished - Maybe

Today brings us to the official end of Lent - Thursday marks the beginning of the Triduum - the three holiest days of the Christian liturgical year - Holy Thursday - Good Friday - Holy Saturday. Following those three very special days we begin the Easter Season - marked by the celebration of Easter Sunday. The Season of Easter is the period of 50 days - spanning from Easter Sunday to Pentecost Sunday.  One might wonder - why so long - first 40 days then 3 more days just to get to Easter - why another 50 days?
I could ask - how many days did it take for you to be born - the majority - nine months - 280 days - 40 weeks - of gestation - growing in our mother's womb - just to enter the world - helpless - none of us ready to walk - talk - eat - on our own.  As with most things in life a period of gestation - time spent developing - evolving - preparing - for life.  Many people wrongly think Easter is a day - similar to Christmas only a day.  In reality both Christmas - Easter are seasons - two very special days which deserve our extended attention.  Easter - the one major feast - celebrating life - death - resurrection - new life in Christ - deserves many days to celebrate this miracle of resurrection.  Today Lent ends - tomorrow the next season on our journey to the Easter miracle.

Deacon Dale