Saturday, April 18, 2020

Living in Boldness

In today's reading from Acts 4:13-21 we notice that Peter and John were observed by the Jewish leaders as - living in boldness.  At first sight they assumed that Peter and John were uneducated people - surprised when they heard them talking about the resurrection - the story of Jesus - His life - death - rising from the dead - people being healed in His name.  It is not surprising when we observe those who are famous - athletes - political figures - movie stars - boldness their middle name.  Even when they are clueless about certain issues - freely open their mouths - speak with authority of which they have no knowledge.  

In our case - modern day disciples - those who have made a commitment to serve The Lord - a definite need to be well informed - to speak boldly - to freely share the Gospel with all we meet.  On occasion - peer pressure - judgement by some - we might hold back - shrink from our duty - to do as we have been commanded.  Gathering strength - reminded of our personal commitment - called to ignore those who judge us - to go boldly where none have gone before - reassured  that Jesus - always with us - we go forth - living in boldness - just as Peter and John did,

Deacon Dale