Saturday, March 10, 2012

1001 Ways To Die

Death is never convenient and rarely welcomed.  Whether it is a new born or a very elderly person - death touches all who knew them.  It never seems right that anyone should die - not even the sick or injured.  As Americans - we value life very highly.  To us the gift of life means that there is a reason for our life and that in some way we add value to the people around us.  A baby creates joy and laughter and brings families closer as they celebrate the newness of a small life. Older members of a family - filled with wisdom and a wacky sense of humor - reaffirm that living a long life is important to everyone whom they have touched in their many years.

We celebrate life - we celebrate family - we celebrate births - we celebrate each other. When life ends - at an all too early age or at what we perceive as a normal life span - we mourn the loss of that particular life.  We grieve and in that grieving process we reflect on the value of life in general and the life of our deceased one in particular. We ask and question - we try to understand death and the whys of death.  In the end it is impossible - no one can give us the answer as to why or when or how.  Death never makes sense to us who appreciate life so much.  

It is comforting to us as Christians that we believe at the beginning of life - as we are born into this world - that God is holding our hand and guiding us towards a life filled with His presence and all the wonders that we will experience during our lifetime.  And in death we also believe that God is still there - still present in our life - guiding us through the dying process and re-birth into eternal life - filled with all the wonders that we have yet to experience as we go through this rite of passage - just as we are born into this world and then at the end of this mortal life - born into the eternal.  

There are many ways to look at life and death - the one way is to die in Christ.  To hold His hand as He leads you into eternity - to be One with Him.

Deacon Dale