Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Protecting Our Homes

Everyone who owns or rents a home - apartment - always purchase insurance to protect their dwelling - possessions.  In addition to insurance many add home security systems - burglar alarms - cameras - so they can monitor their places.  On long trips - many notify neighbors - family - to help watch over their home while gone.  It is not being paranoid - rather prudent - part of being a good steward of what you possess.

In these days of the pandemic - the same goes for adding an additional level of protection - calling for the blessings of God to wrap your home in a bubble of protection.  In the Hebrew Scriptures in Exodus 12:23 the Israelites were told to put blood from the lamb over the top and sides of the door frame so that the Angel of Death would pass over their homes and keep everyone inside safe when he was seeking the lives of the Egyptians who were oppressing them. In a similar vein - as Jesus - the Lamb that was slain - we are suggesting that Christians place the image of the Divine Mercy on the outside of their front doors - in hopes that Jesus will protect those homes from this illness - to Seal the Doors.

We pray - Jesus I Trust in You - that by Your Precious Blood - You will protect all who live inside our dwellings.  If you need an image to post on your front door one is available from the Marian Fathers at https://www.thedivinemercy.org/DivineMercyImage  It is free and you can print on your home computer. 

Deacon Dale