Saturday, April 11, 2015


Tornadoes have been in the news again - in the Midwest - causing destruction - grief - loss. The recent Illinois tornado reminds us of the power behind wind - natural forces of nature. Unfortunately - at times - life - property - security - is lost. There is no prevention - only precaution - recovery efforts - sympathy for those involved.

One would wonder why God - creates - allows - tornadoes - hurricanes. There is no simple answer - acceptable to most - uncontrolled energy - unleashed upon the world. The Holy Spirit - the Holy Wind - of God - not an element of destruction.  Through the power - energy - of the Holy Spirit - healing - creation - recovery - life. It has to be hard for Jesus - God - to stand by and watch the forces of nature run wild - out of control. Luckily - although on a grand scale - the personal impact on most - minimal and in those lives - God works His miracles. Alongside the stories of destruction - death - stories of miracles - unbelievable moments - when people were spared - life preserved. Jesus is there - constantly helping each of us to weather all the storms in our lives - personal - natural - looking to grant us His safety - protection - peace.

Deacon Dale