Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Giving Up

Now that is something I hear frequently during Lent - giving up - giving up candy - giving up cakes - giving up ice cream - giving up television - giving up Facebook - giving up a hundred other - things. During Lent - we are asked to focus - focus on what really matters - our interior life - that which brings us closer to holiness - closer to Jesus.  In today's Gospel - Jesus tells his disciples that he will be giving up His life - for all.  There is a discussion about who will share in His Kingdom - finally warned that all will share His fate - in the end.

The hardest thing about Lent is time. Time to pray - time to meditate - time to focus on helping others.  Lent can become tedious - difficult - stressful.  Giving up - quitting - not an option.  When Jesus faced obstacles - He did not give up - instead - prayed more.  Like HIm - we need to be faithful to this journey - faithful to Jesus - faithful to God - faithful to ourselves.  Giving up - not an option.

Deacon Dale