Monday, March 23, 2020

Shelter In Place

With the current pandemic - fear - contracting the coronavirus - new terminology - words to inform us of proper activity.  The newest - Shelter in Place - to isolate one and their family - in a familiar place where they may be safe.  For most this place is their home - apartment - house - supplied with food - comfort items - bedding.  In this morning's Scripture from Isaiah 65:17-21 we read that the Lord is in the process of creating new heavens - a new earth - that things of the past shall not be remembered. It continues that there will be new joy - crying no longer.  For all of us going through this pandemic - those words are very applicable to our present situation.

Casa Del Camino "Fortress of Solitude"

Many people view Lent as a time of giving up things to be regained at Easter - no permanent sacrifice - very temporary - at best.  In Lent the true focus should be on making ourselves - new creations - discarding bad habits - sinful activity - walking away from our six week Lenten retreat - a new creation - no longer burdened with the problems - sins of our former life.  As we observe - Shelter in Place - in Arizona you may notice in the above photo that our home - as well as all  the homes here - are surrounded with cinder block walls - separating us from each other - from the community.  Once we enter the door to our home - we are completely isolated from everyone around us.  In our new - Fortress of Solitude - we spend our days of Lent - alone - reflecting on everything happening.  Lots of time for prayer - meditation - allowing ourselves to be alone with each other - with God.  When we emerge - we pray that we are better off - spiritually - emotionally - physically - learning all that God wants us to learn - experience - just as Jesus did - in His 40 Days in the desert. Praying that this Lent you Shelter in Place - with Jesus.

Deacon Dale