Sunday, March 29, 2015

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday - the beginning of Holy Week - the holiest week of the year. Today the joyful entry into Jerusalem - gathering with family - fiends - to celebrate- Holy Mass - palms waving in the air - blessed with sprinkled water - red vestments - the reading of the processional gospel - the passion - dismissal - to go - to love - to serve the Lord.

What started as a cheerful event for Jesus - turned bad - all too quickly - the dinner - Last Supper - the kiss - the betrayal - judgement - abuse - death - not a happy ending. Holy Week shocks us to the realities of life - all is not fair - all is not just - all is not plentiful - beautiful.  Sometimes life - leaves a lot to be desired - a bad taste in our mouth - unpleasant memories. As we walk this journey with Jesus - the Via Dolarosa - the agony in the garden - those final steps - we are called to remember. To re-member - to put back together - the pieces - the fragments - of our faith - into the one loving sacrifice of Our Lord. WE are called - each of us - to walk this week in the sandals of Jesus.

Deacon Dale