Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Shrines of Italy

Shrines of Italy is a pilgrimage scheduled for November 3 - 13, 2015.  This pilgrimage is a spiritual travel experience combined with international travel and led by myself and my wife. We are pilgrimage specialists - leading spiritual travel in Israel - the Holy Land - Poland - Italy - Spain - sharing our faith with fellow pilgrims. The sights and wonders - the opportunities for prayers - Holy Mass - meditations - in special spaces around the world - provides opportunities for deep spiritual growth. We are ecumenical - leading Christians of many denominations - Catholic based - Christ centered - God focused.  Our current trip has room for thirty participants - currently about half full - plenty of space for additional couples - singles. Deadline to register is May 1st.  Complete registration information is on our web page at www.deacontravel.org

The opportunity to encounter Jesus in Italy is everywhere. There is an abundance of churches - shrines - holy sites - available to all. On a pilgrimage the participants have the opportunity to see - experience the awesome artwork present in paintings - statues - buildings.  In one way or another - everyone will feel the presence of Christ - traveling with them - surrounding them with His love. Right now the Euro is almost equivalent to the US Dollar which makes travel to Italy very affordable.  The opportunity will not last forever - time is short - opportunities like this do not last forever. Jesus waits - quietly - for you.

Deacon Dale