Holy Thursday - the beginning of a spiritual three-peat - the three holiest days of the Christian calendar. Thursday evening after sundown - Holy Mass - the presentation of the Oils - blessed by the bishop at the annual Chris Mass - celebrations of the creation of the Priesthood - Holy Eucharist. Leaving Holy Mass - solemn procession to the Altar of Repose with the Blessed Sacrament - quiet time with Jesus - departing in silence. Although greeted by the priest with the standard greeting - the Sign of the Cross - Peace Be With You - no dismissal - walking away - in silence - contemplating the Triduum liturgy - three days of services - all interconnected - yet each day's liturgy so very important. Friday - the Passion - veneration of the Cross - no greeting - no dismissal - looking forward to Holy Saturday.
In the Triduum - the Three Days - three days of death - waiting - resurrection - mourning - tears - silence - anticipation. The Church - carries us along with all of its ministers - the faithful - from the Last Supper and betrayal - to crucifixion - resurrection. Feet washed - ministers recommitting themselves to the service of others - faithful - supporting everyone - with prayers. Waiting.......
Deacon Dale